Roller that are at an angle to the direction of fabric travel cause the fabric to drift laterally here the pivot point for the control roller is one of the two bearings at the ends. The control roller (Guide roll) is positioned at and angle around this point depending on the correction speed.
Felt & Wire auto guide systems are designed to keep the felt and wire running properly in the central of the roller over which it travels.
If you loose control over felt/wire the cost incurred of damaged clothing is too high and production loss makes such accidents more irritating and costly.
Salient Features:
- The portion of the sensing palm that comes in contract with the fabric is fitted with a ceramic plate which gives a very long life to the senor palm and also avoids any damage to the fabric due to wear on the sensor palm.
- The auto guide systems are suitable for wires, felts & dryer fabrics.
- Normal working pressure is 3.0 kg/cm2
- Due to the proportional feedback system, it gives immediate response to any movement of felt/wire in the cross machine direction without over compensation.
- It returns to central or present position in the event of air system failure
- It has a built in manual adjustment system.
- It is suitable for installation in any position horizontal, vertical, inclined or even upside down.
- Low internal Fabrication which gives long life.
- Robust & enclosed design.
- Flexible mountain position.
- Proportional feedback system for immediate & excellent guiding results.
- Maintenance friendly.